Manual Biocontrol Agents Pdf File

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Manual Biocontrol Agents Pdf File - INNOVATE was a comprehensive, collaborative, and binational research project. It ran from January 2012 through December 2016. Brazil and Brazil’s Northeast in particular suffered from a severe drought period from 2012 onwards. Management and governance of natural resources faced serious challenges. Guidance manual – a compilation of actor-relevant content extracted from scientific results of the INNOVATE project.

What Is Biocontrol

(6) Biocontrol agents not only control the disease but also enhance the root and plant growth by way of encouraging the beneficial soil micro flora. It increases the crop yield also. (7) Biocontrol agents are very easy to handle and apply to the target. (8) Biocontrol agent can be combined with bio-fertilizers. (9) They are easy to manufacture. The Manual of Biocontrol Agents – your essential reference for IPM options – regularly updated to reflect the growth and maturity of the global biocontrol industry. All active substances and products included are commercially available.

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